Fun Diving!

Already certified? Great! Let's go diving! We offer boat and shore diving options for every level all around the island and beyond.
To book your dives, check out the options below and either come by the shop and sign up, call or email us, or book via the contact page.
Let's Get Wet!
Boat Diving
Boracay is surrounded by beautiful reefs, walls and wrecks. There is something special for everyone here.
Our typical daily dive schedule begins at 9:00am, with following dives at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm. Our schedule is flexible though so we can easily adjust to meet your schedule or create a custom schedule just for you!
We've got Nitrox too!
1 dive: P2200/dive/person
2 or more dives:
Includes all equipment (mask, fins, wetsuit, boots, regulator, BC, dive computer), Dive Master guide, boat fee, and drinking water.
*add P1000/tank for Nitrox
*with own gear: subtract P300/dive/person
*add P200 for Yapak, Diniwid, Balinghai, Punta Bunga, or Crocodile
Night Diving
There are some great night diving spots right off the beach! Perfect opportunity to see some crazy critters found more easily at night - Cuttle Fish, Frogfish, Coconut Octopus, Squid, Ghost Pipefish and more!
P2500/dive/person - includes all equipment necessary for diving at night (mask, fins, boots, wetsuit, regulator, BC, dive computer and lights), and Dive Master guide.
P2200/dive/person with own gear.
Add P1000/dive/person for Nitrox